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The PP calls for extending aid for building inspection

ByJeremy Dawes

Aug 21, 2021
The PP calls for extending aid for building inspection

The people believe that the period of one month for neighbors and communities to request them will make few people can access them unless that was the intention of clara Luquero’s executive.

“If the socialist executive wanted not to submit many applications, he could not choose a better month.” The spokesman of the popular in the City Council, Pablo Pérez, has pulled irony to express the opinion of his group regarding the chosen month and the deadline given by the Government led by Clara Luquero to submit the applications for the aid to carry out the Technical building inspection (ITE) and the Certificate of Energy Efficiency, according to a statement.

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According to the popular, leaving only one month as a deadline to apply for this subsidy is totally insufficient and more so if it is the central month of summer. “Leaving August only to apply for these grants and be able to meet all the requirements is going to make it very difficult to attend them, unless this was the real initial intention of the municipal government,” says Pérez.

The deadline is not the only scarce thing in this call. The energy efficiency certificate and the building inspection are mandatory for buildings over 40 years old and in Segovia there are around 1,900 properties of these characteristics. For the leader of the popular bloc, the 200,0000 euros that the PSOE-IU government wants to allocate to these aids, also fall short, “with this amount it is not only very difficult to attend to all the owners, but the amount they would receive, if everyone requested it, would be derisory”, says Pablo Pérez who also speaks of sloppiness and disinterest on the part of the socialist municipal government because the building inspection are mandatory since 2013 for buildings of more than 40 years and until now, 8 years later, the PSOE government team has done practically nothing in this regard.

The popular mayor believes that these subsidies should have been called before the summer to reach as many interested parties as possible, contrary to what was proposed by the socialist executive of the capital that hinders access to these subsidies. “We are again seeing loose fringes, imprecision and an approach far from reality, as happened with the trade bonds, a campaign in which they had to rectify because the initial scope was ridiculous.”

Pablo Pérez believes that the lack of planning of the socialist government is repeated in each initiative and they are unable to articulate the appropriate mechanisms so that the aid of the City Council reaches the Segovians and is not just a marketing campaign. “The call is absolutely necessary because we are talking about the building inspection, the health of buildings, safety and energy efficiency and any help, today more than ever, is necessary, but we have to do things well and it is clear that whoever governs our city at the moment does not know how to do it,” pérez indicates that “this is what happens when you prioritize works over aid”.

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Therefore, given the importance of both documents and in order to facilitate access to this subsidy for the largest number of affected, the Municipal Group of the PP requests the extension of the deadline to apply for these aids as well as an increase in the amount of the same. “We believe that it is necessary not only in order to comply with the Law but also to ensure the safety of those who live in these buildings, live next door or pass nearby. If the time to request them is extended and the amount allocated to it is increased, more owners and communities of neighbors will be able to attend, which, in the end, is the important thing”, concludes the popular spokesman, Pablo Pérez.

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Jeremy Dawes

Founder of Jezweb, an award winning website design and internet marketing business based in beautiful Newcastle, Australia. Follow me @jeremydawes.