What is the building inspection?
The building inspection is a visual inspection of the structure, facade and roof, and the Common networks of sanitation and supply, in order to know their Constructive characteristics, their condition and the pathologist that may affect the Building.
The building inspection includes the completion of the energy efficiency certificate (taking Data of the envelope of the building and its facilities in order to certify Energy efficiency of the building).
And the collection of data on the Accessibility (compliance with basic accessibility conditions Universal and non-discrimination of persons with disabilities for access.
And use of the building, in accordance with current regulations, establishing whether The building is susceptible or not of making reasonable adjustments to satisfy them).
The building inspection is specified in the realization of a report and opinion Corresponding performed by an optional technician. (They will only be empowered Arch building inspection and quantity surveyors)
The building inspection is the application tool in the autonomous community of the country Basque, and is equivalent to the building assessment report, which Applies according to state regulations in the rest of the state. Both applications Share the object and inspection sections: conservation, accessibility And energy efficiency.
Why the building inspection
To guarantee the good condition and safety of the buildings: through building and pest inspection will avoid risks and possible physical damage to people who occupy The buildings or that is in their environment.
To encourage the conservation and maintenance of buildings: the building inspection Allows undertaking the necessary measures to prolong the useful life of the building, Since it is the first step for the maintenance plan.
To avoid more serious problems and unsolvable situations: the building inspection Prevents interventions or rehabilitations more expensive for owners.
To promote universal accessibility and energy efficiency: the building inspection Identifies the building’s needs and the measures to be taken to guarantee the Accessibility to all people and promote efficient energy consumption.
To promote economic activity in the real estate sector and the Construction: building and pest inspection promotes the rehabilitation of buildings and offers information Relevant to potential home buyers.
To ensure that rehabilitation aids are allocated to the Structural elements that really need it. The building inspection is a condition Essential to access public aid, so it becomes A control tool to guarantee the correct use of the Subsidies.

What elements waters the building inspection
The building and pest inspection is basically done on the three main common elements
Of the building:
• Structure
• Facade
• cover
• Water supply and distribution facilities, and
Sanitation and evacuation.
The state of each of these elements will be defined by the existence of Sensors or defect indicators:
• Cracks
• Humidity
• Landslides
• Deformations
To detect these sensors, it is considered convenient to perform at least one Inspection that encompasses 55% of the total area of the building. (Percentage Recommended, the figure is not regulated).

Who can realize the building inspection?
The building inspection can be carried out in its entirety by:
• Architects
• Technical building and pest inspection or quantity surveyors
Likewise, the energy efficiency certification can be subscribed by Engineers or technical engineers, or technician enabled for this purpose. There is no official record of authorized personnel.
All professionals That has such qualification, either individually or professionally Liberal or working in a building quality control entity, You can perform this task.
Entities and professionals will attach, together with the documentation of each Building inspection carried out, a responsible declaration according to the model collected
In this declaration will allow elaborating the technical inspection Corresponding, for which they declare to fulfill the requirements required as Personal inspector of the building, both to the entity and to the professional.